# FAQ & Common Issues

# General

# How to free up a port?

This is typically needed for port 8080 once upon a time.

lsof -i -n -P | grep <port>
kill -9 <PPID>


# I cannot update one of ours libs, keep getting checksum error

  • run update command with force
npm update @designeo/vue-forms --force
  • or install the specific version with force
npm install @designeo/vue-forms@^2.15.1 --force

# “You cannot publish over the previously published versions“

Sometimes a pipeline fails on npm_publish stage with some such message:

npm ERR! code E403
npm ERR! 403 Forbidden - PUT https://registry.npmjs.org/@designeo%2fvue-forms - You cannot publish over the previously published versions: 3.7.6.

Fortunately, the reason is simple—you just forgot to put a message on the tag. You need to create a new tag with a filled in message.


# Problem: Build failed, something with vue-select went wrong

npm dedupe
rm -rf ./node_modules
npm i

# Docker

# How to remove all unused Docker data?

docker system prune

Read more

# Git

# How to create a tag?

git tag -a <tag name> -m "Some message"
git push origin <tag name>

# How to delete a tag?

git push --delete origin <tag name>
git tag -d <tag name>

# Windows users

# I prepared new lib/project and pipeline fails with a file rights

  • run this command in project root on git-bash.exe:
find ci -iname '*.sh' -exec git update-index --chmod=+x {} \;

# I am new here, and I cannot start project

  • follow these steps:
  1. install node.js (or better install nvm for easy version swap)
  2. set your npm to use bash command (easy bypass over cross-env and similar tools)
npm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"
  1. clone project (example: https://git.designeo.cz/csh/csh-is)
  2. [optional] if you want to change api target, do it in package.json => [designeo][environments][dev]
  3. run install and dev commands
npm install && npm run dev

# I want to swap all my end of line to LF

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'git ls-files -z | xargs -0 dos2unix' -- --all

# Remote local

# Project managers want from me remote access to my local

  • Me personally using ngrok
  • You can set tunnel with:
ngrok http 8080 -region=eu -host-header="localhost:8080"

# Documentation development

# I have problem with vuepress styles, they are messing my components

  • update @designeo/vuepress-helpers to 1.4.0+
  • use reset css in StyleWrapper.vue or similar wrapper component around your demo like this:
.contained-styles--bootstrap, .contained-styles--theAdmin {
  @import "~@designeo/vuepress-helpers/src/helpers/reset.scss";
.contained-styles--bootstrap {
  @import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";

.contained-styles--theAdmin {
  @import "@designeo/designeo-the-admin/src/main.scss";

# I want to build docs and test it localy

  • you need some easy server tool like http-server
  • in project run:
npm run docs:build && http-server -p 8090 ./dist
Last Updated: 10/5/2020, 7:46:16 AM