# @designeo repositories

# UI

  • vue-forms
    • handles everything from single inputs up to complex forms with read-only state
  • vue-grid
    • draw Array<Entity> with:
      • filtering/sorting/paginating
      • frontend/backend adapter
      • URL/localStorage state serialization
  • designeo-the-admin
  • vue-icon
    • Vue component that handles icons and icon sets


  • apibundle-js
    • handles API calls, entity serialization, entity construction, static type generation

# Helpers

  • js-helpers
    • useful helpers for dates/numbers/canvas/objects/promises/etc..
  • vue-json-schema
    • transform json-schema to input list for vue-forms
  • vue-app-plugins
    • multiple application plugins that are used to create app
  • vue-helpers
    • useful Vue components and Vue filters
  • sync-manager
    • a powerful tool that solves offline data hydration

# Development

  • designeo-webpack
    • Webpack bootstrap + exportable Babel/Jest/E2E TestCafe configs
  • eslint-config
    • custom ESLint config with tuned rules
  • types
    • TypeScript types and interfaces, currently contains only Vuex types for store define
Last Updated: 4/8/2020, 12:30:42 PM